An essay-miniature «For me, spring smells like…» (3-5 class)

Essay-miniature on the theme " spring smells to me..." for grade 3-5. For a wide range of readers.

Spring is a beautiful and amazing time of year! It gives sunlight, warmth and awakening of nature. Life wakes up and revives after a cold, snowy winter.

Spring smells of fresh greenery, the first budding buds, youth and youth. It is at this time of year that you can love and fall in love, create, sing, draw landscapes from nature, compose beautiful music and poetry. For me, spring smells of life, beauty, light, inspiration. These things have unusual flavors. They are born by the sorceress nature herself.

How many wonderful poets, artists, and musicians dedicated their brilliant works of art to spring! There is a special vitality hidden in spring. It smells of flowers, blooming gardens, white nights, and the tenderness of the Universe. The Supreme Creator created such a magnificent picture of nature for us. Its harmony is visible and audible everywhere.

Nightingales sing in parks, squares and gardens. The sun caresses the earth with its rays. The first multicolored butterflies flutter in the air. May bugs bask on the leaves